SavedByGrace, Uncategorized



One of the hardest phases, we as Christians will ever have to deal with is reconciliation back to God right after we fall.

Have you ever dealt with the heaviness in your heart that comes from the guilt of knowing, once again you have failed God?

Have you ever dealt with the weight of having to wake up each morning –wanting to pray- but simply can’t because you cannot help but feel you are undeserving of His mercies?

Do you have those odd moments in your day when you want to say a quick prayer and then you remember you didn’t (or better still couldn’t) offer a prayer of gratitude when you woke up this morning and suddenly you are overwhelmed with more guilt and can’t pray?

Ever had an issue with our best friend and suddenly you rarely talk not because you hate each other but you “think” he/she is mad at you and vice versa. It just keeps prolonging the silence and until one person takes the bold step to talk to the other person, we simply keep carrying the weight on our shoulders.

We can totally relate with one, or more of these situations and more than anything God wants to bridge that gap in our communication.

You were not created to be infallible, where that the case there would be no need for the gift of God’s ONLY son, Jesus Christ to us. God freely gave us this gift as an assurance that nothing could be greater than His love for us.

Jesus Christ was sent to die for our sins, to be that bridge we need between our sins and the throne of mercy. By coming back to God through Jesus, we are cleansed by the blood He shed for us and wrapped by His mercies, making us blameless in the sight of God. God sent His son for us so we never have to be alone through any phase of our life – the blood of Jesus is our eternal assurance that God’s love for us will never fade, it is the seal that should serve as a constant reminder that nothing could separate us from the love of God.

Sometimes, being aware of the fact that God loves you is a piece of cake but accepting that absolutely nothing could separate you from His love could be the hard part. And that is the tricky part where the devil comes along and hits a replay button on all the bullet points that would otherwise have made you an unworthy recipient of God’s love and mercy (were it not a gift) but at those times, maybe you could be privileged to have a friend or just anyone at all hold your hands in prayer and remind you of God’s promises of His love and mercies, but some other times, when there is no one to lift you up in prayer, you have got to go down on your knees and Yes! The first few minutes may be a little slow and you may even have nothing to say as you may be overwhelmed by the reality of how much God is willing to forgive you just because He loves you.

Hang on there on your knees. Yes! Stay there. Embrace that gift. Let it soak every fiber of your being and immense you back into the warmth of God’s love.

By the way, if you don’t have the words, that’s okay, stay there in the silence allow Him speak to your heart. Nothing could be more liberating than feeling God’s presence envelop you and knowing that even before you set your knees to the ground His arms were wide open to receive you.

God loves you, He has not given up on you and never will. It is all on you to realize He is that lover that will not stop fighting until you come back to Him.

Today, is as good a day as any to get back on track with Him. Tomorrow is not guaranteed, so why not make today count? Why not unburden your heavy heart today?

Matthew 11:28:

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest

Are you battling with the guilt of your sins?

Are you battling with the weight of the burden (of your sin) that you have been carrying around for a while?


Do you battle with the thoughts that your sins are unforgivable?

God has an amazing gift for you today – HIS LOVE, HIS FORGIVENESS, and HIS PEACE.

Before you tell yourself- “I’ll do this later”. Right now, take a moment form what you are doing and ask the Lord for the grace to receive His unending gift of forgiveness and the peace that accompanies it, as well as the grace to drop your guilt at the foot of the cross today.



Father, I am thankful for the gift of Jesus Christ to be a sign of your eternal love for me.

I confess my sins today, and ask for the grace to fully receive the gift of your mercy and let go of the guilt as I embrace the rest that only you can give.

Thank you for restoring my faith and trust in you.




Feel the relief? Yeah! That’s what if feels like when you hand it all over to God.

Have a fantastic day!


Love Always,
